If the person is still in hospital any equipment they need should be assessed for and referral made by the hospital. Usually the Occupational Therapist for daily living equipment, Physiotherapist for walking aids or Nursing staff for medical equipment or disposable supplies.
Once the person is at home you can get advice on equipment and adaptations from your local authority social services who will be able to arrange an assessment by an Occupational Therapist. There may be a waiting list for this assessment based on urgency and need. It is possible to get equipment if you have an emergency. Some equipment can be requested by the district nurse or practice nurse at your GP surgery.
There are private companies who also have high street shops or supply goods to you directly on line or mail order. If you are considering spending a lot of money on a private purchase get as much professional advice as you can to avoid making any expensive mistakes. Always read the contract to check what is or is not included such as maintenance or replacement if parts are faulty. Try to get more than one quote for large or expensive items. Take your own measurements to ensure large items will fit in your home.

Photos are provided with permission from NRS Healthcare: https://www.nrshealthcare.co.uk
For more information on suppliers of equipment by mail order or online see page 11 “Buying small items of equipment” in this section of the website.