Most of the equipment you need should be available free of charge once an assessment of need has been made. Some small items you may need to buy yourself. If you decide to buy large items of equipment privately, please seek advice first.
Equipment from your local authority will be standard equipment and has to be easy to clean with household products or disinfectant. This can limit choices but the standard equipment is usually suitable for most people. When delivered equipment is usually fitted by the delivery drivers. You should be given instruction leaflets on how to use the equipment and a contact number for the store if you need a replacement or to return it if the equipment is no longer needed.
It is possible to get equipment quickly if you have an emergency. For example if you have a health problem and are unable to do the moving and handling you would normally do. Speak to your GP, Practice Nurse or local authority Occupational Therapist.

Photos are provided with permission from NRS Healthcare: