3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Communication strategies

Communication strategies

6) Communication, memory and concentration

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“What sort of things do you still have difficulty with?”


“The phone”


“Communicating” “Verbal communication er.. because my brain seems to have…it’s like four.” “To me it’s like four parts to my brain.” “I’ve got two numbers and er.. English”. “ I canny think of the word.” “If I am gonna speak from speaking about anything, I have to only be speaking about that subject.” “For me to start speaking to you about er.. scuba diving.” “I would go into an automatic conversation and there would be no..” “After the first couple of minutes, I’d be able to have a very lucid conversation because it’d be a memory.” “My memory for teaching scuba diving would come into my brain and that would be it.” “I’d be able to tell you anything.” “I could tell you about diving but if someone came into the door and asked me the time, I wouldn’t be able to do it.” “My brain could not function between verbal or if I’d to pick up a bit of paper.” “Verbal English and written English does not commute.” “It takes too long for the switch and the same happens with numbers.” “If I am doing sudukios (sudoku) I’m sitting quite happily, writing numbers, I’ll get away and I can actually focus a good bit now, because my numbers are coming back.” “But again, if I’ve to change the numbers to ..likes of my son turns round and asks me a simple question about, what’s the square root of nine?.” “It doesn’t work.” “I’ve got that blank waiting till you go right, what am I trying to communicate here?.” “What have I to build up?.” “And what I used to say to the boys when they were younger.” “Think of your brain as wee sections and if you are gonna be doing spelling, bring that to the front of your brain.” “Don’t bother with any other part.” “Just focus on spelling.” “When we are gonna do anything else, we’ll bring that round at a later stage.” “You do numbers, bring it round and that’s what I am finding I’m having to do now.” “My brain is working in a very slow battery and I’m having to focus the communication with Pauline.” “We’ve worked the same thing.” “I have to … I can’t have a split conversation.” “If I’m watching the television, I can’t have the same conversation.”