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Communication strategies

5) Coping with numbers

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“The communication that we’ve had to do all started from the…again , numbers. Because I’ve always wanted, I’ve always done numbers. And I couldn’t do sudukios [sudoku]. Worked at myself and Pauline would say…”

“Pauline refused me the right to do sudukios [sudoku] because she was worried in case I was working and getting angrier because I couldn’t do a simple one. So she took the…”


“I took the book and hid it.”


“Pauline couldn’t do a sudukios [sudoku]. I could work at it. No you’re not. She had taken it away and hid it. And I used to go about trying to find pages or get the Daily Record, they do one. And I would go and try to find one, old ones and anything. So I’d get, to get the numbers working. I wasn’t happy being reduced not to do any sudukios [sudoku]. And then one of the days was the…that I was trying, was it the alphabet?”


“Aye you wanted to. We came to a deal that because you wanted so badly to do the sudukios [sudoku] that you had to think of others, you had to do the other stuff first. And at the time you couldn’t even do the alphabet.”




“He didn’t know how to do the alphabet, he’d forgotten it completely.” “So what we did was, we sat him down at the computer and a blank screen on the computer.” “The whole alphabet is there.” “Type the alphabet.” “I don’t care how long it takes, but type it and I just walked away and left because I thought right.” “I’m not going to stand here and watch him because that’s gonna be too difficult, just get on with it.” “And you must have been about an hour, hour and a half sitting doing the alphabet.” “To start with he’d done.” “When I’d put him there to do it, what he’d done, and I don’t know if other people do it., but kids do it” “If they suddenly don’t want to do something, or if they are scared of trying something, they will fiddle.” “They will move this or they’ll move that.” “Or I just need to change this bit or something else.” “He did exactly the same.” “He’d reverted to being a 3, 4, 5 year old child that, I can’t do this so if I fiddle around long enough she will leave me alone and I won’t have to do it.” “ Well because of our relationship I don’t just leave it alone and we do , once we start doing something, that’s it.” “We do it.” “So he sat there for about an hour and a half and then when I went back in and had a look.” “See I’ve done it.” “Well he hadn’t because he’d missed a few.” “Alright it was only a couple that he’d missed but still, missed them.” “So then it was like a couple of weeks later you wanted to try and write.” “Then it got to…” “There was a specific block.” “You got , like he was doing so many and then he’d come to a specific block of them.” “And no matter how long he sat looking at it, it just wasn’t coming.” “So we worked and worked and worked with that.”