3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Daily living activities

Daily living activities

5) Dressing: shoes and socks video

Video running time: 02.50 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed.
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Try to choose socks which are easy to stretch or have loose fitting tops.
Greg turns his sock down to the heel. He then puts his hand inside the sock and spreads his fingers to widen the opening. By making an arch shape with his fingers, he has a gap to put his toes into the sock. He then pulls up at alternate sides until his toes are at the end of the sock.

Choose shoes which give support for the foot. This helps with walking and balance. If one foot is more swollen than the other you may need to buy a size or width larger than normal.
Greg uses toggles on his shoe laces. These can be bought from outdoors shops.

He places the shoe over his toes and loosens the laces to give more room.

He tries to pull on the shoe at the heel by putting a finger in to the back of the shoe, but he needs help.

He then uses a long handled shoe horn to help get the foot in to the shoe. He pushes the toggle down the laces to tighten them. The toggle should hold the shoe securely and the ends of the laces are then tucked in to the side of the shoe.