3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Driving and transport alternatives

Driving and transport alternatives

6) Cars

Check the section of this website on How to get in and out of a car safely.


  • The WRVS (Women’s Royal Voluntary Service) have a social transport scheme run by volunteers who may be able to arrange transport for a whole variety of reasons including social outings, shopping, and medical appointments. There is a small mileage charge for this service. Visit the website for more information and to check if this is available in your area.
  • The British Red Cross offer a similar door to door social transport service with trained volunteers and escorts. They do charge by mileage so longer journeys may be expensive but local journeys can be affordable and convenient.
  • The St. John’s Ambulance service has a transport scheme in the Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire areas. This is door to door subsidised travel. For more details see Dial-a-Journey.
  • CHSS Driving with a Medical Condition
  • CHSS Travel and Motor Insurance

Your local carer centre may also be able to help you with information about what transport solutions are available in your area.