5. Money, benefits and legal issues > Money and benefits

Money and benefits

4) Proposed changes to the benefits system (1)

The UK Government’s restructure to benefits and some personal allowances is ongoing. Some benefits in future may be devolved to the Scottish Government in future. The following information may be subject to change.

Universal Credit is the name of one the new benefits. It may replace the following:

  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Housing benefit
  • Working tax credit
  • Child tax credit
  • Parts of the social fund including budgeting loans and cold weather payments
  • Council tax payments for low income households (with additional restrictions to be announced)

The Scottish Welfare Fund provides a safety net for vulnerable people on low incomes by providing Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants.

Universal credit will depend on your income and personal circumstances. A basic personal amount will be paid with additions for disability, carer responsibilities, housing allowances and if you have dependent children. This benefit will be paid monthly. As the changes start to take effect you or the person you care for should ask for help to make sure your benefits are up to date.