4. Care at home > Social care

Social care

8) Community Care Workers

home help
These are the staff who will provide the care service in your home.

They will have received some basic training to do their job but they may not necessarily know about effects of stroke in detail as they work with many client groups of all ages. It can be useful for them to know a little more about the person’s individual difficulties when they start working with you to give them a better understanding of how stroke has affected the person you are caring for.

They assist with daily care such as washing and dressing, getting to and using the toilet, bathing, meals, some household tasks for people who live alone and will supervise or remind the person but cannot give out medication or tablets. Some community care workers are male but the person can ask for a female worker if they wish. Alternatively some men may prefer to be cared for by a male care worker.

For more information see: Care information Scotland, helpline number 0800 011 3200