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Continence problems

5) How to empty a catheter bag video

Video running time: 02.10 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed.

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This short film will show how to empty a catheter bag.

Before you start you should gather together all the items you will need and wash your hands. You will need:

  • Protective gloves.
  • Protective apron.
  • Urinal or collection jug.
  • Disposable wipes or paper towels.
  • Anti bacterial spray is useful for spills or splashes.

Get yourself ready first by washing your hands, putting on gloves and apron.

If you have difficulty bending or kneeling try sitting on a low chair or empty the bag when the person is lying down on a bed.

Make sure the persons clothes are out of the way by rolling up the trouser leg.

Hold the urinal or jug in one hand and open the valve by flipping it over. This allows the urine to drain out.

Once the bag is empty, shake the end of the valve inside the urinal to shake off any excess drips.

Make sure you have closed the valve before taking the urinal or jug away.

Use a disposable wipe or towel to dry the end of the catheter.

Check the straps of the catheter are fitting well. Not too loose or the bag will pull down. Not too tight which will be uncomfortable. Check the tubing above the bag is not bent or twisted. This could block the flow into the bag and become uncomfortable.

Most catheters have a similar valve to this one.

After emptying the urinal or jug into a toilet and disposing of your gloves, apron, wipes or towels remember to wash your hands again.