6. Support for you the carer > End of Life Care

End of Life Care

3) Difficult Decisions: Resuscitation

Another example is around cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This means that attempts would be made to restart the person’s heart in the event they became sick enough that it stopped. This treatment is not often successful and the doctors may want to talk to you about this. If the doctors don’t think CPR would be successful, they will tell you. Again, please ask to speak about this if you are concerned.

It will also be important to think about whether the person should be given fluids and food via tubes. Decisions about this are always difficult – keep in your mind what the person would want, and what the purpose of any treatment is.

The aim of end of life care is to keep the person comfortable and free from distress. They may be given morphine or other sedative drugs to make sure that they have no pain or agitation. If you feel they are distressed, talk to the staff.

Even if the person is likely to be dying you should still have some choices.