Tag Archives: Sensation

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By the end of this topic you should: Know how stroke affects sensation and how you can help. Know how to care for the affected arm and treatments available for the affected arm. Know how you can help the person … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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Effects of stroke which may make balancing and regaining mobility difficult.

Here are some of the effects of stroke which may make balancing and regaining mobility difficult. Muscular Physiological Psychological Loss of muscle control – muscles are required to move the body around and keep balance. Weak muscles – muscles need … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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Balance and mobility

Balance is the bodies’ automatic ability to stop us from falling over during tasks e.g. stepping; reaching etc. It is a key requirement for being able to move and walk.  After a stroke balance can be affected and may take time … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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Treatment options and tips for altered sensation – 1

View Text Alternative Treatment options and tips for altered sensation Type of sensory loss. Find out what kind of sensory problem the person has and more importantly how this affects their daily life. Risks. Help them to be aware of situations which … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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After a stroke the person’s sensation can be affected. We have nerves from the spinal cord to parts of the body and the central nerves from the brain to the body. Our sensation pathways from the brain to areas of the … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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