Tag Archives: Scanning

3 results

Practical advice for inattention or neglect 2

Scanning. Practice scanning (by looking for static objects on the affected side or at objects as they move across the line of vision from side to side) The person can improve with practice. This can be slow and requires a lot of repetition. … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Perceptual Problems

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What to do if you think there is a visual problem

If the person is still in hospital ask the doctor to do an eye examination. They may be able to see a problem immediately or they could ask for an eye specialist to examine the eyes in more detail. If the person … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Visual Problems

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Problems with eye movements

The eyes have 6 muscles which control all our eye movements. After a stroke these small eye muscles can be weakened or paralysed in the same way as other muscles in the body if the nerve supply is not sending … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Visual Problems

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