How to use this site

For information on Accessibility features of this site, please see our Accessibility help page.

For technical requirements please see our Browser health check >>

How to search this site

If you want to search this site, enter your search term in the search bar in the top right corner of this website (shown below).

How to use the tag cloud

The tag cloud (shown opposite) is a collection of the most popular terms on this site listed alphabetically. The larger the word, the more popular it is on this site.

If you select one of the terms in the tag cloud, it will show you a listing of all pages that include this term. This is a quick way to jump to content by keyword, and allows you to quickly see what the most popular terms are.

Resizing text

Text can resized using either the resize text controls in the top right of this website (shown below) or using your built-in browser controls.

For more information on customising this site please see the how to guides on the BBC: My Web My Way website.

Navigation aids

If you are using a screen reader or speaking browser, we have special links ‘skip to content’ inks on every page to help you jump to the main content. These are often called ‘skip links’.

These menus will be read out to you. If you are not using assistive software, you will not see these links.

Interactive Flash objects

This website contains Adobe Flash objects for interactive resources, so you must have Flash Player 8 (or higher) installed.

The interactive Flash resources have been designed to work without the use of a mouse, and can be used with the keyboard controls using the Tab and arrow keys.

For users who have problems accessing this content, full textual transcripts of the content have been provided below each flash object (shown below).


JW Player

We have used JW Player to deliver the majority of video content on this website. To access the video you must have Flash Player 9 (or higher) installed. Please note: videos may take time to load depending on your internet connection.

When using the video you can adjust the volume and enlarge the screen by selecting the buttons at the bottom of the player.

Where possible we have provided full textual transcripts of video content. These can be accessed below each clip.


Please note some videos are now also offered via YouTube. This option has higher playback quality, faster loading times, and English subtitles (optional).

Firewalls or IP restrictions

If you are viewing this website from an NHS computer, University or corporate network it is possible some content is being restricted because of a firewall. You may need to contact your local IT department for support with this matter. You may need to create an ‘exception’ for this website around the firewalls.

  • URL:
    • IP address:
    • TCP port: 80