4. Care at home


Sub topics

  1. SUBTOPIC: Stroke cause and effects (16)
  2. SUBTOPIC: The hospital team (18)
  3. SUBTOPIC: Practical advice and tips for carers (164)
  4. SUBTOPIC: Care at home (42)
  5. SUBTOPIC: Money, benefits and legal issues (26)
  6. SUBTOPIC: Support for you the carer (60)
  7. SUBTOPIC: Carers’ rights (13)
  8. SUBTOPIC: Medical care (5)
  9. SUBTOPIC: Social care (11)
  10. SUBTOPIC: Voluntary care (4)
  11. SUBTOPIC: Housing (7)
  12. SUBTOPIC: Self help (15)
  13. SUBTOPIC: Communication strategies (16)
  14. SUBTOPIC: Memory strategies (8)
  15. SUBTOPIC: Cognition (5)
  16. SUBTOPIC: Visual Problems (8)
  17. SUBTOPIC: Perceptual Problems (13)
  18. SUBTOPIC: Continence problems (7)
  19. SUBTOPIC: Physical deficits (25)
  20. SUBTOPIC: Moving and handling (11)
  21. SUBTOPIC: Equipment (13)
  22. SUBTOPIC: Daily living activities (17)
  23. SUBTOPIC: Driving and transport alternatives (13)
  24. SUBTOPIC: Swallowing, eating and nutrition (10)
  25. SUBTOPIC: Psychological issues (18)
  26. SUBTOPIC: Looking after your own health and wellbeing (10)
  27. SUBTOPIC: Emergency situations (7)
  28. SUBTOPIC: Training and support (10)
  29. SUBTOPIC: Intimacy and relationships (5)
  30. SUBTOPIC: Spiritual care support (9)
  31. SUBTOPIC: Dealing with a long term condition (9)
  32. SUBTOPIC: Money and benefits (18)
  33. SUBTOPIC: Legal issues (8)
  34. SUBTOPIC: End of Life Care (10)

Posted in Social care | Tagged Access to Funds Scheme, Access to work, Activities of daily living, Acupuncture, Adaptations, Adapted Cars, Adapted property, Adult Education, Adults with Incapacity, Advanced Directive, Advanced Statements, Advocacy, Advocate, AFO Ankle foot orthosis, Aggressive behaviour, Agnosia, Air travel, Alcohol, Allied Health Professionals, Alternative Transport, Amenity housing, Anger management, Anxiety, Apathy, aphasia, Appointments, Armchairs, Aspiration, Aspiration Pneumonia, Attendance Allowance, Attention, Balance, Bathing, Bathing equipment, Bath seat, Bed Bath, Bed rails, Bed raisers, Behaviour, Benefits, Bladder Incontinence, Blind, Blindness, Blind spots, Blood pressure, Blue Badge, Botulinum Toxin, Bowel Incontinence, Breavement, Capacity, car, Care and repair, Care Homes, Care Information Scotland, Care Needs Assessment, Care of the affected arm, Care package, Carer needs assessment, Carer organisations, Carer pension rights, Carer Register, Carers'Rights, Carers' Voices, Carers Allowance, Carers Direct, Carers health, Carers Scotland, Carers UK, Carer support, Carer training, Carotid doppler, Car Transfers, Case manager, Catheter, Central post stroke pain, Changes in behaviour, Chaplaincy, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland, Cholesterol, Chronic Conditions, CHSS Group, CHSS Stroke group, Circulation, Citizen's Advice, Clinical Psychologist, Coalition of Carers Scotland, Cognition, Cognitive behaviour therapy, Commode, Communication, Communication Aids, Communication chart, Community Care, Community Care grants, Community Care Team, Community Dietitian, Community Health Partnerships, Community Occupational Therapist, Community Rehabilitation, Community Social Worker, Complaints, Compliments, Complments, Concentration, Confidentiality, Constipation, Continence Nurse Advisor, Coordination, Coping strategies, Council Tax, Council Tax Reductions, Counselling, CPR Cardiopulmonary Resusitation, Crossroads Caring Scotland, CT scan, Cues, Cushion inserts, Day care, Deep breathing technique, Dehydration, Delayed discharge, Depression, Diabetes, Diabetics, Dietitian, Different Strokes, Diplopia, Disability Employment Advisor, Disability Living Allowance, Disabled Drivers, Disabled Living Center, Disabled Persons Rail Card, Discharge Planning, District/Community nurse, Disturbed vision, Dosette box, Double vision, Dressing, Driving, Driving Assessment, Duty Social Worker, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, dyspraxia, Early supported discharge, Eating, ECG, Electric powered wheelchairs, Embolus, Emergency Care Plan, Emergency Carers scheme, Emergency contact, Emergency Information Pack, Emergency Plan, Emergency Social Work, Emotions, Employment and Support Allowance, Employment Rights, Epilepsy, Epilepsy alarm, Equipment, Estimated date of discharge, Exercise, Extra care housing, Eye Movements, Falls, Falls film clip, Falls prevention, Family, FAST, Fatigue, Feeding aids, FES Functional electrical stimulation, Figure ground, Financial Assessment, Fit note, Flaccid, Flexible working, Foot care, Formal complaints procedure, Friends, Frozen meal delivery, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Functional memory, General Practitioner, Glide sheet, Goals, Goal setting, GP, Grants, Guardianship, Haemorrhagic Stroke, Handicabs, Headway, Health Visitor, Heart disease, Hemianopia, High blood pressure, Hoists, Hoist sling, Holidays, Home alarm systems, Home Care Team, Home improvement grant, Home Visit, Homonymous Hemianopia, Hospital Chaplain, Hospital Social Worker, House exchange, Housing, Housing assessments, Housing assosiations, Housing Benefit, Human Rights, Hypersensitivity, Hypertension, Hypotension, Immediate memory, Impulsive behaviour, Inapropriate behaviour, Inattention, Incapacity, Incapacity benefits, Income Support, Incontinence, Increased tone, Independence, Infarction, Infection, Information, Insight, Intervention Order, Intimacy, Ischaemic Stroke, Job Seeker's Allowance, Key worker, Kitchen equipment, Learned Helplessness, Legal Aid, Legal Rights, Leisure Activities, Lifestyle changes, Local Authority, Long term care, Long term conditions, Long term memory, Low tone, Mail order equipment, Major Adaptations, Making a will, Manual Handling, Manual Wheelchairs, Massage, Meals, Meals on wheels, Medic Alert, Medication, Memory, Memory Pathways, Memory Strategies, Mental leisure activities, Mental training, Mince/Mashed Diet, Mini Stroke, Minor Adaptations, Mobility, Mobility Allowance, Mobility center, Modified diet, Motivation, Motoability, Mouth care, Moving and handling, Moving on policy, MRI, MRI scan, Multidisciplinary team, Muscle tone, Naso-gastric feed, Naso gastric tube feed, National Insurance, Neglect, NHS continuing care, Nurse practitioner, Nursing Care Home, Occupational Health, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy, Office of the Public Guardian, Orthotic Devices, Orthotist, Pain, Pain management, Palliative or end of life care, Paresthesia, Partially sighted, Passive stretching, Patient turner, PEG tube feed, Pension Credits, Perception, Perceptual problems, Peripheral vision, personaility changes, Personal alarm, Personal Independence Payment, Personality, Physical Activity, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy, Planning, Positioning, Powered rise/recline armchairs, Power of attorney, Practice nurse, Primary Care Team, Problem Solving, Progressive muscle relaxation, Prompts, Proprioception, Public Partnership forums, Rails, Rail travel, Raised toilet seat, Rapid Response, Reablement, Ready meals, Recovery, Relationships, Relaxation, Residential Care, Respite, Retirement accommodation, Return to work, Risk, SAGA, Salt, Scanning, Scottish Driving Assessment Service, Scottish Government Publications, Secondary prevention, Self Directed Support, Sensation, Senses, Sequencing, Sex, Shared Care Scotland, Sheltered housing, Short term memory, Shower stool, SIGN guidelines, Single shared Assessment, Sitter Service, Sitting balance, Slide sheet, Sliding board, Slings, Smoking, Social Life, Social Skills, Social Work Funding, Spasticity, Spastic muscle, Speech and language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapy, Spiritual support, Splinting, Splints, Stairs, Standing, Standing aid, St Andrews First Aid, State Retirement Pension, Stiff arm, Strapping, Stress, Stroke Association, Stroke Chat Forum, Stroke groups, Stroke nurse, Stroke nurse service, Subluxation, Supported accommodation, Supported Communication, Support for carers, Swallow assessment, Swallowing assessment, Tai Chi, Tax, Tax Credits, Taxi card, Telecare, Telehealth, Telemedicine, TENS ( Trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), The Carers Trust, Thickened drinks, Thickener, Thinking, Thrombolysis, Thrombosis, TIA, Toilet equipment, Toilet frame, Toileting equipment, Training, Training courses, Transcutanious electrical nerve stimulation, Transfers, Transient Ischaemic Attack, Transport, Transport Concessions, Travel, Universal Credit, Urinary frequency, Urinary urgency, Urologist, VAT, Video fluroscopy, Visualisation, Visual Problems, Visuo spatial loss, Vocational Rehabilitation, Voices Scotland, Volunteer Stroke Service, Volunteer transport, Walking, Walking aids, Washing, Weakness, Weight transfer, Wheelchair, Wheelchair access taxis, Wheelchair manoeuvers, Wheelchair transfer, Work, Work and families, Work capability assessment, Working Memory, Yoga, Young Carers,