3. Practical advice and tips for carers
Practical advice and tips for carers
Sub topics
- SUBTOPIC: Communication strategies (16)
- SUBTOPIC: Memory strategies (8)
- SUBTOPIC: Cognition (5)
- SUBTOPIC: Visual Problems (8)
- SUBTOPIC: Perceptual Problems (13)
- SUBTOPIC: Continence problems (7)
- SUBTOPIC: Physical deficits (25)
- SUBTOPIC: Moving and handling (11)
- SUBTOPIC: Equipment (13)
- SUBTOPIC: Daily living activities (17)
- SUBTOPIC: Driving and transport alternatives (13)
- SUBTOPIC: Swallowing, eating and nutrition (10)
- SUBTOPIC: Psychological issues (18)
Posted in Continence problems
Tagged Acupuncture, Adaptations, Adapted Cars, AFO Ankle foot orthosis, Aggressive behaviour, Agnosia, Air travel, Alcohol, Alternative Transport, Anger management, Anxiety, Apathy, aphasia, Armchairs, Aspiration Pneumonia, Attendance Allowance, Attention, Balance, Bathing, Bathing equipment, Bath seat, Bed Bath, Bed rails, Bed raisers, Behaviour, Bladder Incontinence, Blind, Blindness, Blind spots, Blood pressure, Blue Badge, Botulinum Toxin, Bowel Incontinence, car, Care Needs Assessment, Care of the affected arm, Care package, Carer training, Car Transfers, Catheter, Central post stroke pain, Changes in behaviour, Cholesterol, CHSS Group, Circulation, Clinical Psychologist, Cognition, Cognitive behaviour therapy, Commode, Communication, Communication Aids, Communication chart, Community Dietitian, Concentration, Constipation, Continence Nurse Advisor, Coordination, Coping strategies, Cues, Cushion inserts, Dehydration, Depression, Diabetes, Dietitian, Diplopia, Disability Living Allowance, Disabled Drivers, Disabled Living Center, Disabled Persons Rail Card, District/Community nurse, Double vision, Dressing, Driving, Driving Assessment, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, dyspraxia, Eating, Electric powered wheelchairs, Emotions, Epilepsy, Epilepsy alarm, Equipment, Exercise, Eye Movements, Falls, Falls film clip, Falls prevention, FAST, Fatigue, Feeding aids, FES Functional electrical stimulation, Figure ground, Flaccid, Foot care, Frozen meal delivery, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Functional memory, Glide sheet, GP, Handicabs, High blood pressure, Hoists, Hoist sling, Holidays, Home alarm systems, Homonymous Hemianopia, Hypersensitivity, Immediate memory, Impulsive behaviour, Inapropriate behaviour, Inattention, Incontinence, Increased tone, Independence, Infection, Insight, Intimacy, Kitchen equipment, Learned Helplessness, Leisure Activities, Long term memory, Low tone, Mail order equipment, Major Adaptations, Manual Wheelchairs, Massage, Meals, Meals on wheels, Medication, Memory, Memory Pathways, Memory Strategies, Mental training, Mince/Mashed Diet, Mini Stroke, Mobility, Mobility Allowance, Mobility center, Modified diet, Motivation, Motoability, Mouth care, Moving and handling, Muscle tone, Naso-gastric feed, Naso gastric tube feed, Neglect, Occupational Health, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy, Orthotic Devices, Pain, Pain management, Paresthesia, Partially sighted, Passive stretching, Patient turner, PEG tube feed, Perception, Perceptual problems, Peripheral vision, personaility changes, Personality, Physical Activity, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy, Planning, Positioning, Powered rise/recline armchairs, Practice nurse, Problem Solving, Prompts, Proprioception, Rails, Rail travel, Raised toilet seat, Ready meals, Relationships, Relaxation, Return to work, Risk, Salt, Scanning, Scottish Driving Assessment Service, Secondary prevention, Sensation, Senses, Sequencing, Short term memory, Shower stool, Sitting balance, Slide sheet, Sliding board, Slings, Smoking, Social Life, Social Skills, Spasticity, Spastic muscle, Speech and language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapy, Splinting, Splints, Stairs, Standing, Standing aid, St Andrews First Aid, Stiff arm, Strapping, Stress, Stroke nurse, Subluxation, Supported Communication, Swallowing assessment, Taxi card, Telecare, TENS ( Trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), The Carers Trust, Thickened drinks, Thickener, Thinking, TIA, Toilet equipment, Toilet frame, Toileting equipment, Transfers, Transport, Transport Concessions, Urinary frequency, Urinary urgency, Urologist, Visual Problems, Visuo spatial loss, Vocational Rehabilitation, Volunteer transport, Walking, Walking aids, Washing, Weight transfer, Wheelchair, Wheelchair access taxis, Wheelchair manoeuvers, Wheelchair transfer, Work, Working Memory,